Wednesday 7 September 2016

No title

It does not seem difficult to make yourself be honored. But sometimes, people forget themselves, because they want to fight for personal names and become great, famous, know first, hoping vote. Better work, collect a lot of money for family and personal, it was nicer. instead of having wished vote, a waste of time on facebook and charisma. Fewer find people using social media for promotional reasons. For example Promo of expertise, which is owned science. So I get out of social media such as facebook and twitter. Too much wasted time. 

Here, I can share knowledge and do not need to wait a comment or vote. because what I share here as a tool for me to know about the world :)

Begin by opening the doors of life that contains something useful, lawful, in the way of ALLAH. Although the cover door looks bad, but it was clear there would never bad. Because of the age of the door was older than you. Old is synonymous with experience. Experience better than anything else. because the experience is, Master of the most ideal to spur a better life, and continue to rotate until the eye can no longer see and feel, sunrise and sunset.

What do you know about the world, science, bla ... bla ... bla ...?. Clearly, people who are smart, a chase, and prepare himself to death. By way of worship, vying alms, and never even make other people humiliated, and making other people hurt. How about you......?. That's your problem ... :)

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